When people hear our story, I wonder if they think we are adventure freaks. But that couldn't be farther from the truth. It's ironic how just when I've been tempted to settle down and get comfortable with where we are in life, something else comes up and the rug is swept right out from under me. I truly believe it's God's way of saying "Oh no you don't Rach. You get right down off of that high horse of thinking you can do any of this on your own!" Because every curve in the road we've faced these past two years has forced me to admit that to make it around the bend, I've got to hand over the role of navigator.
Don't get me wrong, God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. This is not the life I would have picked for myself...it's BETTER! He knows exactly what He's doing. And only God knew what kind of man I would need by my side to survive and thrive in all He has called me to do. That's why He gave me Daniel. He's the greatest friend I could ask for. He's a passionate believer, selfless husband, and courageous father. In this world that is so hard, he's my soft place. With him I'm safe. I've never met someone more fun. I don't deserve him.
"Thank you God for your grace. First in the free gift of salvation you gave to this screwed up sinner so long ago. And secondly, for the gift of my husband. Please forgive me for when I've been impatient and selfish. Give me the strength to love him as you have called me to love him. Help me to know how to encourage him daily and spur him on as a father and as a minister of the gospel. You are the Giver of all good things, including my family. Help me to praise You more for all You have done and for who You are in my life. In Jesus' name. Amen."