1. The stampede of teenagers armed with cell phones and Sonic drinks has once again been rounded up and sent back to school. (They started last Thursday, can you believe that?) Glory, glory, hallelujah and AMEN! Not that we don't love them, we do. But after months of pool parties and beach trips and late nights and rolling wars, a girl needs a break. And a normal, grown up bedtime would be nice too.
2. Our staff of interns who spent the summer herding those aforementioned teenagers have headed back to college. They escaped unscathed. :) I'm only partially kidding. No lie, for ten weeks the interns teach, entertain, chauffeur, disciple, referee, and serve. They pour themselves out. I wish we could pay them a million dollars. But it still wouldn't be enough for the impact they have made.
Sunday night the kids had a chance to share their gratitude and to testify how they have grown this summer.
Yes tears were shed. I admit, I was doing the ugly cry. But in my defense, you can't help but bond when you serve together. We were with the interns day in and day out. We encouraged them through the students' barrage of back talk and hormones. And we rejoiced with them, when kids' decisions were not of this world.
Sometimes there is nothing more humbling than serving.
But there is nothing more humbling than being chosen to serve.
Sarah, Whitney, Brad and Andy. We are so proud of you. Thank you.
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