Hands down, one of the best parts of my job is getting her dressed in the morning. Ok, I take that back. One of the best parts of my job is picking out her outfit. Actually, getting the cute clothes on her squirmy little body is quite difficult. My mom says it's like changing a snake. And she's right. More often than not, I pass on the baby wrestling honor to her father.
But back to Easter. Once a year, the joyous occasion calls for all kinds of celebration. Worship services, family gatherings, feasts, candy and of course, clothes. Easter is the epitome of ensemble selection. For any mom who's had a daughter, it's like the Olympics for Outfits. I love going to church and gawking at all the tulle, lace and bonnets. I mean really, is there any other event more appropriate to sport our best? Hardly!
My mom, in all her wisdom bought Reesie's Easter dress a year ago. She bought it new for $10.
Even better than the steal of a deal, she bought one for Big Cousin too.
Look how happy they were to match!
They looked so cute. So did every other little girl I saw at church. And for the sake of fairness, the little boys were stylin' too. :)
More than a thousand years ago, two women approached a tomb to tend to the body of their murdered Teacher, expecting to find Him exactly where they had left Him. Instead they were confronted by two heavenly creatures whose appearance was so other-worldly, the author grasped at similes to describe it. As the angels opened their mouths, out came the greatest news in scripture. The biggest headline in history. "He is not here; he has risen!"
Sometimes His plan is not what we expect it to be. Often His ways are not ours. But they are always better.
"For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross."
Colossians 1:19-20
Happy Easter bloggers. We love you.
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