Isn't it interesting how just when we start to get comfortable in life, God calls us to do something that terrifies us? A good friend once told me that God, in all His sovereignty, prepares in advance our hearts for great things. And when the moment comes where He calls us into action He has so carefully shaped our hearts and has so intentionally organized our circumstances that we have no choice but to surrender to His will.
One of the first times this happened to me was my sophomore year of college. I liked my classes and I had settled into college life. I was preoccupied and was good! And then one night a sweet girl in Danny's youth group approached me. I think the conversation went something like this:
"Yes Randi?"
"I have a favor to ask you."
"Sure, what's up?"
"Um, some of the girls and I want to know if you will lead a Bible study for us."
Mindlessly I blurted out, "Sure!"
At that moment, my comfortable, cozy little world was no more. As I drove back to my dorm room that night, the reality of what I had committed to do started to sink in. Doubts flooded my mind and my heart was pounding. What had I gotten myself into? I've never taught anything before. What the heck am I supposed to teach them?
Once I heard a teacher say that when you are called to do something for God, you will have fear. Ask Him to take away your fear. But if He doesn't remove your fear, go on and fulfill your calling anyways!
On the first night of our Bible study (and many nights after that!), I most definilty had fear. I could barely make out the words on the pages because my hands were shaking so much. But you know what? God was at work. Not only did the girls come back week after week, but He transformed my heart full of doubt into a heart that believes. Praise God that He is a God who chooses to work through those who are unsure and undeserving.
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.'"
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
5 years ago