Thursday, June 14, 2012

10 months old

Hope is ten months old!  

I can't believe she has hit double digits!  Our baby is going to be one before we know it.  At ten months old she can drink from a straw and bark at dogs.  She started saying "Dada" and "Bye."  She loves doors.  In the morning while the rest of us get ready she goes from door to door swinging them back and forth.  I figured out if I hang a couple of hangers on the knobs, she can't smash her fingers.

She loves to chew on shoes, her Daddy's wallet, plastic bags, papers, crayons and Uno cards.  (All things she's not allowed to have.)  We have to sweep her mouth constantly for random things she finds on the floor.  She gives kisses at will, thoroughly sliming the lucky recipient.  

She's a bit um, tenacious.  She hates getting her diaper changed and fights me at almost every change.  She's also started to bite me when she eats.  (Not fun!)  She loves baby food and Cheerios and wants to eat like a big girl at every meal.  She's not crazy about avocados but I keep offering them hoping she'll change her mind. 

She laughs easily and naps well.  She loves when people talk to her when we're out and about.  She has one heck of a pout.

She is loud!  When she's happy she'll suddenly squeal at the top of her lungs.  Last night we went out to eat and I had to take her out of the restaurant because she was yelling.  She was perfectly content, just wanted to test out her vocal chords I guess.  :) 

True to second born form she's pretty tough yet easy going.  She goes to the nursery at church just fine. The day I took her ten month pictures she leaned over the little brown chair and pulled to a standing position.  

She's our sweet baby girl who makes her daddy swoon, her sister giggle and her mother thank God for the incredible gift she is.  

We could never deserve her.

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