Monday, April 11, 2011

22 weeks

Good morning bloggers! Chica's watching her What's in the Bible dvd, so I've bought myself a few minutes to update the blog. She just informed me that the pirate covering the timeline of church history is not pointing his "knife" (sword) towards the ground and asked me to please take a picture of her, so this might have to wait until nap time.

I'm 22 weeks along! I researched what's going on at 22 weeks, but that was a few days ago and the only thing I can remember is that baby girl is about the length of a package of Oreos. For some reason that one fact is what my pregnant brain retained. :) Baby Sister is quite the active girl. She has the hiccups regularly (just like her big sister did) and you can see her movements from the outside. She loves Sunday School class. Yesterday, during our lesson out of Romans she flipped and jumped the entire time. Can't say I blame her, chapter four makes me want to do a couple of hitch kicks too! Also unique to week 22- I got my first comment from a stranger in public.
Chica noticed her daddy taking my picture and wanted in on the action. (I have tried for 10 minutes to make the underline go away, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. The dvd is winding down so I'm forging through. So sorry for the annoyance!)
Dan brought Chica a soccer uniform back from El Salvador. She loves it so much she's worn it twice in the past week.
I can hear the finale song, which means time to wrap it up. Happy Monday bloggers!


  1. I remember my first "When are you due?" comment from a stranger. I was about 28 weeks along. There was this tiny evil part of me that wanted to feign innocence, ask what they were talking about, and watch them squirm. But I didn't.

  2. wow, i hope to look half as good as you do when i'm pregnant someday!!
