I bet that is what you're chanting right now. "We want Rachel back!" I'm not exactly the All-American "blogger" that Rachel has become, but Rachel is a little tied up lately. :) I've posted some more pictures on the website if you care to check then out. They're under "Photos 3". At this rate, You can click on "Photos 365" on her first birthday! :)
Everything is going well... or as well as can be expected. Our church family has been bringing us dinners and Rachel's mom has been a huge help. It's hard to know if Reese will sleep between feedings or just CRY CRY CRY. I'd say most of the time she sleeps, but every now and then we've gotten a "whiny" stint. It's so funny. I even like watching her when shes screaming! Can't say it's the easiest thing, but I just love this girl to death.
At this very moment, Mom and BABY are sleeping like rocks.
Doctor's appointment went ok this morning. SHe is now 7 lbs 14 Oz. She has gained back her birth weight and more. Doc says that is extraordinary for her age.
I will check in a little more later. Thanks for your prayers and support.
Link to Reese's site. (not www.reeses.com, that would get you to some tasty pb cups though!)
5 years ago