In case you haven't heard, the month of March is madness, madness I tell you. It's especially true this year because our beloved Alma mater the Missouri Tigers are still in tournament. Tonight we're battling the Memphis Tigers for a chance to continue to the Enormous Eight.
Excellent Eight?
Exotic Eight?
Oh I kid. (I'm feigning ignorance to see if I can get a rise out of the husband.) He's educated me better than that! :)
I'll be honest, I'm not going to watch the game. My innards can't take it. My heart starts racing, and all my intestines knot up. And then I look at the clock and realize there's forty-five minutes left in the game, and seriously, who can handle forty-five minutes of that gut-wrenching suspense? I'll flip to it occasionally so as not to be a complete disgrace to the Hinton name.
Reesie's ready for the game! The best part about watching the game from the comfort of your own home- you don't have to wear pants! :)
GO TIGERS!! Her Daddy's raised her right.
No fan is truly complete without a foam finger.
So will you be glued to your TV tonight?
**Edited to Add: Three minutes until half and I've watched the entire thing. Why, oh why do I do this to myself?!**
PS- 3 for 8 for free throws? Are you kidding me Mizzou?! We'll never get to the Electric Eight with those kinds of stats!
5 years ago
Her hair does look kind of red in these pictures! Go Tigers!