Sunday, August 2, 2009

walk on

You know what bloggers? In the hectic swing of summer I think I forgot to blog one of the Chica's biggest milestones. I'm too lazy to go back through the archives to be sure. (Quite the encouragement to keep coming back for more, huh?) :)

While Big Girl hardly leaves me hard up for material, I'd be hard pressed not to mention this one, even if it is a few months late. Around 13 months Chica took her first steps. I'm so thankful Danny and I were together when she did. (And even more thankful for her teachers withholding it from us, if in fact her first steps were actually taken at school. Thank you Miss Terri!)

Up until recently she walked with both hands raised above her head. Think Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof. Sometimes I'd sing "If I Were a Rich Man" as she marched around the room. She's still working on the shimmy.

Nowadays her balance is so much better, her arms are less "La kayim" and more "Let me have that!"

Mazel tov on your much improved marching skills Chica. And no, you may not have a Matchmaker.

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